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Alex Jones – 2015-Mar-18, Wednesday

On this Wednesday, March 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover ongoing and over-the-top government corruption and institutionalized thuggery as the Border Patrol assaults a family and cops target the mentally ill. We also delve into remarks by Elon Musk on government banning human driven cars in the future and how the ruse of cyberterrorism is being used to enhance and expand the surveillance state. On today’s worldwide transmission, we talk in-studio with the former highly placed intelligence official, William Binney. The 32 year NSA veteran warns we are entering a turnkey totalitarian state and surveillance is being used to control the population. We also talk with Katherine Paul, Associate Director of the Organic Consumers Association, an organization dedicated to protecting organic standards. The OCA was asked to speak at SXSW but then had their invitation revoked so as not to conflict with a GMO panel during the trendy tech conference held in Austin, Texas.
[mp3-jplayer width=”50%” height=”80px” dload=”y” captions=”Download or Click Play Button to Listen” tracks=”http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/nfowars/hZdr/~3/Mg3gacuNg2o/20150318_Wed_Alex.mp3″]

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