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Alex Jones – 2015-Jun-18, Thursday

On this Thursday, June 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we break down the shooting that unfolded at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, last night, and ask was suspect Dylann Storm Roof also taking SSRI drugs? We’ll also explore reports that plastics are affecting men’s fertility rates, as well as the Pope’s embracing of global warming theories. On today’s broadcast we talk with former Clinton insider Larry Nichols about the possible continuation of the Clinton dynasty and what the Tea Party can do to take over the republican party. We’ll also take your calls on this worldwide edition.
[mp3-jplayer width=”50%” height=”80px” dload=”y” captions=”Download or Click Play Button to Listen” tracks=”http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/nfowars/hZdr/~3/y7dgpPSChOo/20150618_Thu_Alex.mp3″]

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