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Alex Jones – 2015-Jul-15, Wednesday

On this Wednesday, July 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we continue our coverage of the irrational frenzy surrounding the Confederate flag as Americans are threatened at gunpoint for displaying the flag and a university declares a photo of the flag to be a threat. We also cover Democrats ignoring footage showing Planned Parenthood’s top doctor allegedly describing how the clinics sell the body parts of aborted babies. We also cover the beginning of Jade Helm, the massive military operation that will span a number of states in the American Southwest. On today’s program we talk with Dr. Edward Group, the founder of the Global Healing Center. He currently serves as Chief Executive Officer and is at the forefront of the company’s research and development team.
[mp3-jplayer width=”50%” height=”80px” dload=”y” captions=”Download or Click Play Button to Listen” tracks=”http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/nfowars/hZdr/~3/sQfnZ0E3Xyw/20150715_Wed_Alex.mp3″]

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