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Alex Jones – 2015-Aug-20, Thursday

On this Thursday, August 20 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover double standards in Ferguson, Missouri as rioters confront police in St. Louis. Infowars looks into the truth behind ISIS, the terror army designed to topple Syria, killing Christians in the process, and how US foreign policy in the Middle East is creating a flood of desperate refugees in Europe. We also cover the latest on the presidential race as Hillary gets “Trump’d� in the key swing state of North Carolina and a 15-year old high school student polls higher than most Republican candidates in several states. On today’s worldwide transmission we talk with Robert Tosh Plumlee, the decorated CIA veteran who is under fire from the Justice Department for questioning the role of the U.S. in arming and supporting Syrian mercenaries. We also talk with Dr. Edward Group, the founder of the Global Healing Center who assumes a hands-on approach to producing new and advanced degenerative disease products and information.
[mp3-jplayer width=”50%” height=”80px” dload=”y” captions=”Download or Click Play Button to Listen” tracks=”http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/nfowars/hZdr/~3/M57TAU86orE/20150820_Thu_Alex.mp3″]

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