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Alex Jones – 2016-Feb-19, Friday

On this Friday, February 19 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the record voter turnout in S.C. as absentee ballots hit an all-time high. Trump insider Roger Stone also pointed out that Trump doesn’t button his suit jacket because he’s wearing a bullet proof vest. Richard Reeves and Roger Stone reveal the latest news on the election. Also, financial expert Peter Schiff break down recent economic news and Dr. Edward Group talks about the latest developments in health news you and your family will want to hear. We also talk to the Infowars investigative journalists who were out at the Cibolo Creek Ranch where Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead. Tune in!
[mp3-jplayer width=”50%” height=”80px” dload=”y” captions=”Download or Click Play Button to Listen” tracks=”http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/nfowars/hZdr/~3/PeHduDyYP_A/20160219_Fri_Alex.mp3″]

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