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Alex Jones – 2016-Sep-09, Friday

On this Friday, September 9th 2016 transmission of the Alex Jones Show we’ll cover Trump’s latest speech, where he stated Hillary is operating a ‘criminal enterprise’. We’ll also look at hacked files from George Soros’ Open Society, that reveal a plan to expand electronic and online voting nationwide. On today’s show we discuss how Julian Assange stated Thursday that WikiLeaks could release as many as 100,000 pages of new material related to Hillary Clinton before the election. Additionally we will continue to follow Hillary’s failing health and take your calls on this nationwide broadcast!
[mp3-jplayer width=”100%” height=”80px” dload=”y” captions=”Download or Click Play Button on right to Listen” tracks=”http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/nfowars/hZdr/~3/uHhQXoRw2IQ/20160909_Fri_Alex.mp3″]

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