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Alex Jones – 2018-Jun-01, Friday

Friday, June 1st: Make America Work Again – The unemployment rate is at an 18-year low as new jobs are added to the economy. Correspondingly, the record for the number of working Americans has been broken nine times since Trump has taken office and people of all backgrounds are prospering from the hire-friendly labor market. Joining today’s show is author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza explaining his presidential pardon from Trump and the censorship tactics of liberals. Also, 30-year-old NEET Michael Rotondo provides what he has planned for his future.
[mp3-jplayer width=”100%” height=”80px” dload=”y” captions=”Click Play Button on the right to Listen. Tip: Click/drag the timeline to skip forward/back” tracks=”http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/nfowars/hZdr/~3/2nFsbF9oJPo/20180601_Fri_Alex.mp3″]

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