We need your help.
Here are 4 ways you can help this site.
- If you use the Brave web browser, consider tipping us! We’d be very grateful!
- Help us with show descriptions – Use the contact form to submit a show description, it doesn’t have to be detailed, even a list of guests or topics and people mentioned in the particular show is good.
- If you want to help even more, contact infowars.com and ask them to publish the show faster, so that this site can get it faster, and that means you get it faster! Also ask them to provide show descriptions, as they are often slow to do this and often fail to do so at all.
If enough people ask, they are more likely to improve this situation!
Contact them at techsupport@infowars.com and support-tickets-infowars@infowars.com - Donate to help keep this site running (While even a small reoccurring donation would be great, any little one- off amount helps, we even accept cryptocurrency)