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Alex Jones Show Podcast and Live Stream

Alex Jones – 2018-May-15, Tuesday

Tuesday, May 15th: Soros Flees Hungary  – George Soros moved the HQ of his international network to Berlin after Hungary’s government cracked down on his staff. Joining today’s show is famous first responder Brandon Tatum discussing how middle America is moving away from mass entertainment in favor of family. Also, co-founder of Moms4Trump Sheree Saber shares her stories winning people’s hearts and […]

Alex Jones – 2018-May-15, Tuesday Listen to the Full Episode Here

Alex Jones – 2015-Sep-17, Thursday

The Infowars moneybomb concludes today on this, Thursday, September 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show. We cover last night’s Republican debate, Trump’s victory and Carly Fiorina’s scorching criticism of Planned Parenthood and its enablers, namely president Obama and presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. We also continue our coverage of the refugee crisis in Europe as

Alex Jones – 2015-Sep-17, Thursday Listen to the Full Episode Here

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